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Basic Electronic Devices and Circuits

This is a series of 40 video lecture presentations prepared by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati.  They are made availalble through the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning(NPTEL).

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Lectures in this course:40

Module - 1 Lecture - 1 Semiconductor materials (53:13)

Module - 1 Lecture - 2 PN Junction Diodes (59:55)

Module - 1 Lecture - 3 Diode Equivalent Circuits (1:00:36)

Module - 1 Lecture - 4 Diode Rectifier Circuits (1:03:37)

Module - 1 Lecture - 5 Zener Diode and Applications (1:01:20)

Module - 1 Lecture - 6 Clipping and Clamping Circuits (1:05:44)


Module - 2 Lecture - 1 Transistor Operation - Part - 1 (56:09)

Module - 2 Lecture - 2 Transistor Operation Part - 2 (1:01:33)

Module - 2 Lecture - 3 Biasing the BJT (1:02:23)

Module - 2 Lecture - 4 Biasing the BJT - Part - 2 (59:25)

Module - 2 Lecture - 5 BJT Small Signal Analysis (1:01:10)

Module - 2 Lecture - 6 BJT Amplifier - Part - 1 (59:48)

Module - 2 Lecture - 7 BJT Amplifier Part - 2 (1:01:26)

Module - 2 Lecture - 8 Frequency Response of BJT Analysis - Part - ...

Module - 2 Lecture - 9 Frequency Response of BJT Analysis Part - 2 ...

Module - 2 Lecture - 10 Transistor as a Switch (1:02:00)


Module - 3 Lecture -1 MOSFET - Part -1 (59:09)

Module - 3 Lecture - 2 MOSFET - Part - 2 (56:07)

Module - 3 Lecture - 3 MOSFET under dc operation (54:39)

Module - 3 Lecture - 4 Mosfet as an Amplifier (1:00:00)

Module - 3 Lecture - 5 Small signal model of MOSFET - Part 1 (1:00:56)

Module- 3 Lecture - 6 Small signal model of MOSFET Part -2 (59:56)

Module - 3 Lecture - 7 High Frequency model of mosfet (1:02:02)

Module - 3 Lecture - 8 Junction Field Effect Transistor (1:02:10)


Module - 4 Lecture - 1 Operational Amplifier (Introduction) (59:11)

Module - 4 Lecture - 2 Ideal Op-Amp (1:05:05)

Module - 4 Lecture - 3 Op-Amp applications Part -1 (56:06)

Module - 4 Lecture - 4 Op-Amp Applications Part -2 (58:27)

Module - 4 Lecture - 5 Op-Amp Applications Part - 3 (58:49)

Module - 4 Lecture - 6 The practical Op-Amp (57:35)

Module - 4 Lecture - 7 Positive feedback and oscillation (57:34)

Module - 4 Lecture - 8 Comparator (58:10)


Module - 5 Lecture - 1 Large Signal Amplifiers (1:02:29)

Module - 5 Lecture - 2 Transformer Couple Power Amplifier (1:03:10)

Module - 5 Lecture - 3 Class AB Operations of PowerAmplifier (1:04:40)

Module - 5 Lecture - 4 Power BJTs (1:03:51)

Module -5 Lecture - 5 Regulated Power Supply (1:02:51)

Module - 5 Lecture - 6 Four Layered Diode (1:05:44)

Module - 5 Lecture - 7 Silicon Control Rectifier (1:03:05)

Module - 5 Lecture - 8 SCR Applications (59:14)

Views: 55


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