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This is a series of 40 video lecture presentations prepared by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras.  They are made availalble through the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning(NPTEL).

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1 - Introduction To Digital Circuits (49:38)
2 - Introduction To Digital Circuits (54:27)
3 - Combinational Logic Basics (49:10)
4 - Combinational Circuits (53:23)
5 - Logic Simplification (54:17)
6 - Karnaugh Maps And Implicants (52:42)
7 - Logic Minimization Using Karnaugh Maps (52:19)
8 - Karnaugh Map Minimization Using Maxterms (52:46)
9 - Code Converters (54:28)
10 - Parity Generators And Display Decoder (51:26)
11 - Arithmetic Circuits (52:57)
12 - Carry Look Ahead Adders (52:40)
13 - Subtractors (51:00)
14 - 2'S Complement Subtractor and BCD Adder (51:47)
15 - Array Multiplier (52:56)
16 - Introduction to Sequential Circuits (50:24)
17 - S-R, J-K and D Flip Flops (52:52)
18 - J-K and T Flip Flops (52:43)
19 - Triggering Mechanisms of Flip Flops and Counters (52:28)
20 - Up/ Down Counters (51:33)
21 - Shift Registers (54:35)
22 - Application of shift Registers (52:53)
23 - State Machines (50:15)
24 - Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits (53:55)
25 - Design using J-K Flip Flop (50:55)
26 - Mealy and Moore Circuits (51:05)
27 - Pattern Detector (52:44)
28 - MSI and LSI Based Design (47:41)
29 - Multiplexer Based Design (49:54)
30 - Encoders and Decoders (49:45)
31 - Programmable Logic Devices (52:08)
32 - Design using Programmable Logic Devices (51:45)
33 - Design using Programmable Logic Devices (contd) (52:58)
34 - MSI and LSI based Implementation of Sequential Circuits (50:06)
35 - MSI and LSI based Implementation of Sequential Circuits (contd...
36 - Design of circuits using MSI sequential blocks (51:25)
37 - System Design Example (50:57)
38 - System Design Example (contd) (53:22)
39 - System Design using the concept of controllers (49:45)
40 - System Design using the concept of controllers (contd) (50:39)


Views: 36

Tags: Circuits, Digital, Karnaugh, Logic, Map, Systems, array, carry, code, complement, More…controllers, counters, flip, flop, generator, lsi, msi, parity, sequential


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