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Microeconomics Lecture series presented by MIT

Principles of Microeconomics Lecture series presented by MIT Open Source Courseware

Consists of 26 Lectures on various subjects in microeconomics put together as a course of study at MIT

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  1. Introduction to Microeconomics
  2. Applying Supply and Demand
  3. Elasticity
  4. Preferences and Utility
  5. Budget Constraints
  6. Deriving Demand Curves
  7. Applying Consumer Theory: Labor Supply
  8. Introduction to Producer Theory
  9. Productivity and Costs
  10. Competition I
  11. Competition II
  12. Competition III
  13. Welfare Economics
  14. Monopoly I
  15. Monopoly II
  16. Oligopoly I
  17. Oligopoly II
  18. Factor Markets
  19. International Trade
  20. Uncertainty
  21. Capital Supply and Markets I
  22. Capital Supply and Markets II
  23. Equity and Efficiency
  24. Government Redistribution Policy
  25. U.S. Social Insurance Programs
  26. Healthcare Economics

Views: 95

Tags: and, budget, competition, constraints, costs, demand, government, international, lectures, microeconomics, More…mit, monopoly, policy, productivity, redistribution, supply, trade, welfare


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