Here you are able to add and find various electronic resources such as books(including ebooks), links to electronics or engineering websites, parts suppliers, manufacturers and datasheets and the list goes on. Some students can find Powerpoint presentations for some of their classes in their instructor's Blogs. You will typically need to Friend your instructor to gain access to their Blogs.
Very useful organization of links provided by web
Do It Yourself Projects
Datasheet Collections along with some others that I have found and added to the list.
Datasheet Archive
All Datasheets
Datasheet Catalog
Tube Datasheets - drtube
Tube Data Sheet Locator (software) - duncanamps
Semiconductor Manufacturers
Analog Devices
Fujitsu Microelectronics
International Rectifier
Intersil Corporation
Linear Technology
Maxim Integrated Products, Dallas Semiconductor
National Semiconductor
NTE Inc.
NXP Semiconductors
Sharp Microelectronics
Texas Instruments
Passive Component Manufacturers
ROHM Electronics
Sprague-Goodman Electronics
Electronic Component Suppliers
Mouser Electronics
The Cap King
Component Identification
IC Prefixes - Chip Directory
LED Information and Technical Data - TheLEDLight
Marking Codes and Component Identification - Educypedia
SMT/SMD Marking Codes -
Circuit Simulation/Analysis
SPICE Files and Tutorials - eCircuit Center
LTspice/SwitcherCAD (software) - Linear Technology
EIS Spectrum Analyser (impedance analyzer software) - A. Bondarenko, G. Ragoisha, Belarusian State University
Circuit Simulator Applet (java) - falstad
Current Limiting Resistor Calculator for LEDS (java) - ledcalc
Sketch, Simulate and Share Schematics - FREE, online, no software to download at
Educational/Training/Learning (ebooks, manuals, etc.)
Socratic Electronics Project - T. Kuphaldt, ibiblio
OCW Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - MIT
A Review of Electronics - E. Tuttle, University of Denver
Electronics & Programming eBooks - e-dsp
RF Engineering and Fundamentals eBooks - RF Zone
OFDM Basic Tutorial - Radio Electronics
OFDM Synchronization - Radio Electronics
OFDMA, OFDM vs CDMA Comparison - Radio Electronics
The Online Engineer - video tutorials for Broadcasting
Electronics Articles - electronic portal, kazus
Army & Navy Electronics Manuals - Integrated Publishing
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training - Davidson College
MOS Op Amp Design: A Tutorial Overview - P. Gray, R. Meyer, SMU
Op Amps for Everyone, Design Guide - Texas Instruments
Microcontroller Programming eBooks - mikroElektronika
Microcontrollers and Programming - electroSofts
Microcontrollers - myTutorialCafe
PLCs, Automated Manufacturing Systems - H. Jack, Grand Valley State
CMOS VLSI Design - N. Weste, D. Harris,
Design of VLSI Systems - Signal Processing Lab, Swiss Inst of Technology
FPGA Information - J. Nicolle, fpga4fun
VHDL Tutorial - W. Zhang, University of California
Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing - S. Smith, dspguide
How to Design Programs - MIT Press
Circuit Board Repair and Rework Guide - Circuit Technology Center
Physics (for electromagnetics) - B. Crowell, lightandmatter
Electricity and Magnetism - HyperPhysics, Georgia State University
History of the Integrated Circuit - icknowledge
Data Book - eBook containing various tutorials and projects from: talkingelectronics
Talking Electronics - has many projects and videos
Boolean Algegra - for Digital Circuits, from Georgia State University
Electronics Tutorials - Many electronics tutorials available at Electronics Tutorials including AC theory, Amplifiers, Attenuators, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra and much more.
Electronics Technology Tutorials Interactive Software for Education
Java applets illustrating circuits, transmission lines, electromagnetic waves, linear antennas, signal integrity, and EMC/EMI.
Tutorials on Ohm s Law, resistors, Kirchhoff s Current Law, Kirchhoff s Voltage Law, and other topics from the Dept. of Physics, University of Guelph.
Electronics for Beginners and Intermediate Electronics
This web site created by an instructor at Cambridge Regional College presents basic electronics information.
This site offers Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Micro Controllers tutorials
Copyright © 2000 - 2010 by Ian C. Purdie. Tutorials cover basic electronics, antennas, amplifiers, data sheets, downloads, filters, oscillators and receivers, and more.
From Williamson Labs, this site offers tutorials in areas such as transistors, op amps, resistors, capacitors, inductors, and more.
The purpose of this site is to give students and beginners basic tutorials and information to help develop a knowledge and understanding of the subject of electronics.
This site offers beginner and intermediate tutorials about how to use the various components, how to analyze circuits, and how to make the most out of simple basic components like LEDs, Transistors, Switches, Logic gates, resistors, capacitors, etc.
This commercial site offers several tutorials related to fiber optics including single mode fibers, multi-mode fibers, fiber optic cables, and fiber optic connectors.
United States Navy Electricity & Electronics Training Series - NEETS
The NEETS series consists of 24 modules, each covering a specific topic in the field of electricity and electronics. The modules are in the public domain and freely available for use and study.
Wisc-Online: Online Learning Object Repository
The Wisc-Online Resource Center is a digital library of Web-based learning resources called learning objects.
Here are some cheat sheets that I have found that you may be interested in. Contains color codes and formulas.
Here is a very good video which demonstrates the proper way to solder electronics and also shows what happens when you do your soldering improperly.
If you are interested in obtaining your own copy of Multisim to install on your laptop or desktop, it is available from National Instruments. You can download an evaluation copy or you can purchase a student copy for $40. Here are the links.
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