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How does a circuit work in a electron's or hole's world?

We've learned a lot on how a circuit works in a LPM system,and some may also have learned how the BJT works in the carriers' world. But what confused me is how the circuit works in the carriers' perspective.

Say how does the electron transfer in the metal line,and how when it comes to a resistor 、capacitor、inductor, also how in the battery or power system?
Does the power system supply electrons and holes for circuit?

I can only imagine that the electron transfer in the metal line because of the electric field along the metal line.

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Years ago, probably before you were born, electron flow was not well understood.  Needing to be able to deal with current in a circuit, they had to make a choice about which way the current was flowing.  The choice they made was that current flows from the positive terminal of a battery or DC source to the negative terminal.  As it turns out, it was later discovered that electrons actually flow from the negative terminal to the positive terminal.  That may be the source of your confusion.

The old time method, flowing out of the positive terminal, is now known as “conventional current flow”.  The newer discovered fact that electrons flow out of the negative terminal is known as “electron current flow”.  The amount of the current will be the same, the direction is all that is different.  Textbooks will generally tell you right up front if they are using “conventional current flow” or “electron current flow”.

As to the holes you mentioned, holes flow in the opposite direction of electrons.  Current flow is a combination of electron flow and hole flow.


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