I intend to use this Blog to chronicle the various things that I read, learn, study and would like to know about in the field of Electronics. This may also include some things about Math which is used intensely in electronics. It is my hope that you will find this helpful and maybe pass it along to your friends, classmates or coworkers that may be interested. You will also be able to find many things of interest in the various Forums, Blogs and Videos on www.MoreDat.com which may or may not be related to electronics.
Aug. 7, 2012
I’d like to start by sharing a Word document with you which is a collection of formulas related to analyzing electronic circuits in some Bachelor programs. I tried to convert this to PDF but the conversion messed up the formulas. You may find this useful to have this collection of formulas all in one place.
Network Analysis Formula Sheet
Aug. 10, 2012
I discovered a new website today which offers free online textbooks. They haven't been up and running very long so they don't have many books available yet. It could be worth checking out. Textbooks are expensive. The website is www.boundless.com
Aug. 21, 2012
The Network Analysis Formula Sheet has been updated to include Laplace Transforms. Also, another series of video lectures from MIT have been added. The lecture series now includes: Circuits and Electronics, Digital Communications I and Microeconomics.
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I have added a few more video lecture series. We now have over 460 videos and 20 simulations. Most of these are for Electronics students but we now have some for the computer science students. Since our number of lectures available have increased, I have divided them up by program.
Just to recap, here are all the video lecture series now available on MoreDat.com
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Electronics Simulations courtesy of University of Colorado
I have added a few more video lecture series. We now have over 390 videos and 20 simulations. Most of these are for Electronics students but we now have some for the computer science students. We added "Introduction to Computer Science I" which was presented by David J. Malan at Harvard College, "Developing Mobile Apps with Web Technologies" provided by Stanford University and "Computer Science I: Programming Methodology" also provided by Stanford University. Since our number of lectures available have increased, I have divided them up by program.
Just to recap, here are all the video lecture series now available on MoreDat.com
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Electronics Simulations courtesy of University of Colorado
I have added another video lecture series. We now have over 330 videos and 20 simulations. This lecture series is provided by the Indian Institute of Science (IIS). The video lectures are Digital Circuits and Systems. I think you will find that this goes along somewhat with your Digital one and two classes where you learn about logic gates, flip flops and more.
Just to recap, here are all the video lecture series now available on MoreDat.com
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Electronics Simulations courtesy of University of Colorado
I have added another video lecture series. This lecture series is provided by the Indian Institute of Science (IIS). The video lectures are Circuits for Analog System Design. I think you will find that this goes along somewhat with your Devices one class where you learn about diodes and transistors.
Just to recap, here are all the video lecture series now available on MoreDat.com
I have added another video lecture series. This lecture series is provided by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). The video lectures are Basic Electronic Devices and Circuits. I think you will find that this goes along somewhat with your Devices one class where you learn about diodes and transistors.
I know most of you have been introduced to Multisim by National Instruments. This is a wonderful simulation program for electronic circuits. The student version can be downloaded as a 30 day free trial at www.ni.com. If you still like it after your free trial, you can purchase it for $40.
Some of you may prefer to put your $40 to better use, so I have discovered another simulation program which is free from Texas Instruments. I haven't tried much with it yet. I suspect that since it's free it will not have as much functionality but it may be helpful to you. It is called TINA-TI and you can download it at: http://www.ti.com/tool/tina-ti
I have added another video lecture series. This lecture series is provided by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). The video lectures are Analog Electronics Signal Processing II.
Just to recap, here are all the video lecture series now available on MoreDat.com
I have added another video lecture series. This lecture series is provided by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). The video lectures are Analog Electronics Signal Processing I.
Just to recap, here are all the video lecture series now available on MoreDat.com
I have added another video lecture series from MIT. These Lectures are on Digital Communications II presented as a course in electronics. This is the followup to Digital Communications I. I hope you find them beneficial.
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